Let pain not slow you down
Hemp products have been know to help with a wide range of helping with wellness for multiple different cases especially for athletes and those with active life styles. Do you know the best hemp based product to help you get you back in your zone? With Neutral Zone we help find your personal zone with hemp products to get you back and ready for your next match or to hit the mat again. Our journey started with one of our founders using hemp based products to help their wellness after matches and before trips.
About CBD
CBD or Cannabidiol is the second most prevalent active ingredient of cannabis. This ingredient is extracted directly from the hemp plant. The hemp plant is related to marijuana but not exactly the same. CBD while being found in cannabis it by itself does not get you the same high feeling. Studies from the World Health Organization show that there has been “no evidence of public health related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.”
Is CBD Legal?
All 50 states have laws that legalize the use of CBD to varying degrees of states. The FDA in 2015 eased regulations to allow more research on the effects of CBD. Currently there are many people all around the country that have ordered CBD products online with the need of any medical card.
What is your zone?
Our entire goal is to help athletes and those with active lifestyles to find their zone with hemp based products. What do we mean when we say your zone? With our products we have made them in different strengths to help anyone with their wellness from general wellness, sleep wellness, and more. Our experience has learned that not one hemp products works for everyone so we have created products for each person from different strengths. We want to make sure everyone can get back to their neutral zone to get the next day started or their next big match.



Learn more about how our high quality organic quality products are made to improve the quality of life of our customers.